Thursday, January 29, 2009

As If That Wasn't Enough

I dreamed of true love. It lasted for one whole second this morning at about 4:47 before the power of the unadulterated imaginary emotion woke me right up.

I looked at the clock, took a sip of water, and went back to sleep.


Sarah said...

I've never met another boy who uses the term "true love" as much as you. Except maybe Cary Elwes in Princess Bride.

Jennifer said...

I agree. Twu Wuv!

Emily G said...

Was she a cartoon fox? Mine is always a cartoon fox. I dreamed that a journal wanted to publish my article if I just made a few surface error revisions. Two of my former loves were there to cheer me on. I woke, lost them both again, realized I wasn't getting published, and shot out of bed like there were demons in there with me.

Liz said...

Jared dreamed about TWU WUV last night too. It was with Paula Abdul he said.