Welcome to the Summer of Tough.
I got no rules, no responsibilities, no income. No job. I'm just chilling in Texas at my parents house for the summer, which you think would be sissy, but no way. I got a big list of awesome things to do—tough things—things to do just for doing.
One of em is to read 10,000 pages, which is about all of these books:
I'm plotting my progress on a giant thermometer graph I drew and hung on my wall.
Here are some of the others (I'm taking requests, if you think of anything)
- Ride a hundred miles on a bike in one day
- Hold my breath for 90 seconds
- Do 20 chin-ups
- Draw every day
- Write every day
- Learn Adobe CS3
- Learn to ride a motorcycle (I got my permit today)
- Learn to shoot a gun
What about doing a handstand pushup? I've always thought they looked wicked "tough"...
And P to the S--I love your Blog :)
We'll all go to the beach with you, but you have to help watch kids.
How about only take the bus for an entire day?
Check out Lynda.com for learning CS3.
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