To all the DWs who have changed me—

Darkwing Duck

Dwayne Wayne1

D. W.

Dinty W. Moore
(yes, and you, Dave Wanczyk, and you, Danny Wolverton)
—to those who have yet to make their mark—

Adobe Dreamweaver2

Drum Workshop

Derek Walcott
—and to those I probably couldn't care less about—

Disney World

—To all of you I say, "Happy D. W.!"
(Can you guys think of any more?)
1Not to be confused with this D. W.
2Not to be confused with this D. W.
Yes one: Dwayne Wayne.
Yes two: I made the link list.
*Dance Break*
And back to the grading. My students will thank you for this moment of joy.
You are seriously telling me that D.W. Read has had a bigger impact on your life than drum workshop? Come ON!
Dreamworks = B6
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